Teeth Whitening Hunt Valley, MD

Teeth Whitening Overview

You can easily accomplish a whiter, brighter smile with professional teeth whitening treatment. Advanced Dental Health offers in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments to help patients achieve a brighter smile. You can use it with restorative dentistry or other treatments like porcelain veneers and dental bonding to enhance the final results.

Cosmetic dentists Dr. Ashley Izadi and Dr. Roham Rafat can work with you to determine which whitening method suits your needs. Advanced Dental Health is your premier cosmetic dentistry office near Hunt Valley, MD, in Baltimore County, serving Lutherville, Timonium, Phoenix, and many local communities.

Professional Teeth Whitening For A Brighter Smile

Professional teeth whitening offers several advantages over over-the-counter whitening methods. At Advanced Dental Health, we use Venus MAX  as our preferred in-office whitening method. This powerful bleaching treatment whitens your teeth multiple shades in just one office visit. Using professional-grade bleaching agents allows us to create predictable, buildable results and limit the effects of tooth sensitivity and gum irritation.

Benefits of teeth whitening include:

  • Fast, effective results
  • Minimizes the risk of complications
  • Long-lasting results
  • Safe to use in the office or at home
  • A non-invasive way to enhance your natural smile

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Many different things can discolor your teeth. It’s something everyone will experience in their lifetime. First, aging itself causes tooth discoloration. The bright white outer layer of the tooth enamel wears down over time, exposing the off-white dentin layer underneath. Its yellowish hue makes your teeth look less white over time. Genetically, you may just be more prone to having discolored teeth or a thinner enamel layer

The things you eat and drink play a part, too. Things like coffee, dark cola, strawberries, and red wine can all stain your teeth. The more you consume these things, the more discoloration you’ll experience from them. This is true of tobacco use, too. The nicotine and tar in tobacco products leave yellow and brown stains behind on the teeth.

Other stains occur if you don’t adequately care for your oral health. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, bacteria and food debris build up on your teeth, forming plaque. This sticky film starts to stain your teeth, and the issues increase if it hardens into tartar. The staining will increase as the sticky surface accumulates more bacteria and debris.

Certain medications and medical treatment options discolor your teeth. If you’re in chemotherapy for cancer, tooth discoloration is a side effect. Taking tetracycline antibiotics during the development of your teeth can cause white stains that are difficult to remove.

Lastly, trauma and outside factors play a part. If you fall or get hit in the face, impacting your teeth, the blood vessels and nerves inside of your tooth can die. This causes your tooth to darken in color, as there is no more regular blood flow.

Teeth Whitening Options

Professional teeth whitening is the ideal solution for patients with stained or discolored teeth due to factors like coffee, wine, tea, and smoking. For patients with stains caused by poor oral hygiene, certain medications, or dental trauma, we may recommend porcelain veneers or another cosmetic solution to help you achieve your desired smile. Not all types of stains respond to teeth whitening treatment, so we will evaluate your smile and build a treatment plan based on your specific needs.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is fast, effective, and safe, making it the ideal solution for patients who want dramatic results in a short amount of time. We use Venus Max, a unique whitening solution activated using a unique syringe-to-syringe mixing method. This solution also contains potassium nitrate, which helps decrease sensitivity commonly associated with teeth bleaching. To achieve beautiful, dramatic results, the whitening solution is applied to the teeth in 15-minute increments over the course of an hour. Once the treatment is completed, patients can enjoy their beautiful, bright smiles. To maintain your results, we offer custom take-home teeth whitening trays.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

If you want the convenience of whitening your teeth at your own discretion, we recommend take-home teeth whitening. Whitening your teeth at home can yield long-lasting, beautiful results if the proper steps are followed. Whitening solutions and trays provided by your dentist office are typically more effective than over-the-counter solutions. Take-home teeth whitening combines the effectiveness of in-office teeth whitening with the convenience and controlled results most patients desire.  Dr. Izadi or Dr. Rafat will create custom-made whitening trays and discuss the specifics of your treatment.

Schedule An Appointment

If you want to explore how to whiten your teeth, visit our team at Advanced Dental Health. We are a full-service dental facility committed to excellence, personalized dental care, and patient-focused dentistry. To learn more about your cosmetic solutions, call (410) 656-2278 or request an appointment online.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Does professional teeth whitening ruin the teeth?

No, professional teeth whitening is often better for your teeth than over-the-counter options. Professional whitening formulas minimize sensitivity and give you the best results..

Is teeth whitening permanent?

No, teeth whitening is not a permanent solution. If you avoid staining food and beverages, you can lengthen the benefits of your teeth whitening procedure. Depending on your oral healthcare routine and what you consume, teeth whitening can last anywhere from six months to three years.

Do my teeth stain easier after getting them whitened?

Immediately after whitening your teeth, you should avoid smoking and things like coffee that may stain. The pores of your teeth are more open after whitening, so things can get in there to stain easier.